We were warned by Adam Schiff, a true patriot, that this is the way it was going to go. Our Traitor and Chief! You're the best troll on the internet, you should ask for more money it's all out there if you bother to research. Not American so I don't watch fox or any other American news channel! Andy Johnston loyal to Russia as opposed to Biden's loyalty to China and Ukraine! Hey Andy. Go inject Detail, eat a hydroxychloroquine sandwich, & lunch out on Trump's death-inducing solutions to COVID. Then seek that medical help you so desperately need you Trumpotwat. if you are not American, then you are even more clueless Trump is in debt to German, Russian and Chinese banks, as he was too poor a risk for US banks. Debt is power great childish response their Kev, well done you! Trump praised China and XI the Chinese president. Ivanka's shiny products are made in China. Trump used Chinese steel to build his hotels.
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