Thứ Năm, 17 tháng 9, 2020

Horror movie Character San Francisco 49ers You can’t sit with us shirt

 As much as this is a distraction on Pelosi’s part because Trump is creating peace in the Middle East at least she actually doing something constructive for once. Norma Desmond Pelosi is such a pandering pile of utter garbage that it's beyond ridiculous now like slow joe standing on the graves of his wife, daughter, and son in his latest ad? If the victim was not Hispanic and they weren't losing their votes, Nancy would not be given any soldier or police the time of day. Sad how they use tragic situations to their own propaganda when their history proves it's not who they really are. She deserves it all the same. Let time prove the truth about intentions. If it isn't for votes then why isn't Nancy listening to Biden's accuser? It is only cause Democrats want to take advantage of votes! this is not politics. How many soldiers have died in that location? Come on!

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