If they did that there would be no rioting and looting ., BLM’s cause and the message went in the garbage a long time ago. The violent criminal thugs they idolize should be embarrassing to law-abiding black people. sorry, but there is no logic in that statement, violence only creates more violence. BLM affiliated rioters have destroyed countless black-owned businesses, people who have worked they're while lives to come up in their communities. How is that a positive message?Only CNN calls them “peaceful protesters” with buildings on fire in their article. The keyword is peaceful- so much for objective un-bias news reporting. CNN you’ve gone down the tubes and into the bowels of hellacious tabloids. Nice “mostly peaceful” picture Maybe because the pro-police people aren’t trying to kill the cops so they are just focusing on getting to Antifa or BLM members our causing trouble. Lol, you say "peaceful protestors as you show an image of a burning vehicle.
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