Thứ Bảy, 3 tháng 10, 2020

To daughter whenever you feel overwhelmed remember whose daughter you are and straighten you crown shirt


This is why I turned away from the Democrat party & will vote for Trump. And I'm in a swing state. This is not the old democratic party. If he’s worried about Putin, perhaps he should talk to the Biden’s. They seem to have a close relationship, especially Hunter.Watching Fox this morning and the negativity spewed by Jedadia is almost enough to make me wonder does she suffer from post partem it seems, yes go back on maternity leave How the Hell did this guy ever get into office and he doesn't even live in Ct.Say anything to try and discredit the President. The man is sick and needs our thoughts and prayers. Your peace of didn’t you get the word it was Clinton and the DNC who started the Russian. Wake up be an American, not a sheep.More Russia fearmongering. The 2nd Mccarthyism era in full swing with a communist on every corner.

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