Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 10, 2020

Stop asking why I’m crazy I don’t ask why you’re so stupid shirt

 I'll give you a guess as to whom that will be. Did you even read the article 4.4 trillion was stimulus package or do you not support helping our country you're so far off your mark and have no idea what is really going on around you, sorry I didn't qualify for a pittance? I make to much money. I think it was the right thing to do for people who may have been affected by the COVID Virus. I hope you spent yours wisely. Viva Trump, Latinos support you. It rose because of the stimulus plans needed due to the CCP virus. Marxist Obama increased the debt more than the last 43 Presidents. You seem to have forgotten that. Meanwhile, Democrats are calling for trillions more spending by the end of the year, and a 100 trillion dollar green new deal."Failure to file a tax return (non-filing) and underpayment of reported taxes accounted for 20 percent of the gross tax gap (figure 1). Underreporting on timely filed tax returns made up the bulk of it: $352 billion, or 80 percent of the gross tax gap in the years studied."

Buy it here: Stop asking why I’m crazy I don’t ask why you’re so stupid shirt
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