Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 10, 2020

Stop asking why I’m crazy I don’t ask why you’re so stupid shirt

 Never fails. so not a COVID shutdown or the $3 trillion on the Hero’s Act. You know House Democrats are in charge of the budget right? Well, shut down the economy and spend trillions we don’t have to start it back up what do you expect Jose King actually that’s not true. The deficit was down to zero when Clinton left office. It grew to 1.2 billion under Bush. It was down to 600 million when Obama left despite the bank bailout. It was around $2 trillion before the pandemic hit. The myth is Republicans are fiscally responsible. They say it so many people believe it’s going up every year, can’t lay it on the current president solely. If you wanna do that it would be more logical to blame Biden lol. It’s probably going up since he started in politics. But Trump said he has the best economy oh I forgot! He really means the opposite of what actually comes out of his mouth. The clown will say or do anything to avoid going down as a one-term US president.

Buy it here: Stop asking why I’m crazy I don’t ask why you’re so stupid shirt
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