When you support a man that is losing his mind and did absolutely nothing for our country in his 30+ years in government and 8 of which as VP and try to blame a man that is not a politician and only in 3 years and has broken economic and unemployment records that had not been accomplished in over 50 years you know they are scared! Well Dennis, did you forget about his Executive Orders he did to help Americans because Congress wanted all kinds of things stuffed into a bill that had nothing to do with helping people. Hi dear, how are you doing is my pleasure meeting you here I don't mind asking you for your friend request please if you don't mind I'm new on Facebook so I don't have any friends I didn't know if you can add me as your friend... thanks, dear. Why bother filing for a permit? If they can set them off every night during their “peaceful” protests, the President of the United States should certainly be able to exercise that same right to announce the beginning of what will certainly be his re-election. won't spend your few dollars that you pay in taxes. He has billions of his own to pay for fireworks.
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