Thứ Tư, 12 tháng 8, 2020

I’m not lazy I’m energy efficient shirt

 If you don't wear a mask, you will get COVID and die eventually! I take this seriously but simply not eating enough protein will also make you lose your hair! I wear a mask and social distance every time I am out! She's getting older she needs biotin tablets. I have seen many people with COVID19 but not to a point of losing there hair she must just have some underlying conditions, people and the media are overblowing this disease! go take a stroll in an ICU of areas that numbers are high and let me know how “overblown” it is oh and don’t wear a mask since it’s overblown Thank you, Doctor Kansans. I hope you get sick. I mean that Jenn Sanchez, that is why I have said she must have an underlying condition, after all, COVID is just the flu where 95% of people recover! I’ve seen people without any end up on vents and long term effects so like I said since you think it’s media overblown go see for yourself, even if I get sick I will recover!

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