That's exactly what I was thinking. She's not the first person to make such claims. So, I'm thinking that they are minimizing or forgetting about their brief contacts with people you know where she lives? No, you don't! Maybe she shares air-conditioning with the whole building she lives in, that's how many New Yorkers got it., I prefer listening to the real experts, not some wannabe know-it-all that has no idea what he's talking about and refuses to educate himself but by all means, enjoy your delusions of grandeur while they last I will enjoy everything about the life, but thanks for commenting on it and it's nice to see that you got that gag reflex under control have a nice day! Logos, you guys are horrible. It's like 75% of the population goes around looking for ways in which to be awful on social media every day. very well said. I don’t understand why or how people can be so callous and cruel. they childish. Look at the response you got on this post.
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