Who will cut you because the Sherriff's Department was dealing with some young men who were Victiming While Black? Why can't these guys be deployed in Tora Bora mountains to fight the Taliban . "However" rules of engagement apply there too. You don't point guns at children. American police can cuff a 5, 3-year-olds Soon or later am afraid they will cuff the Sperms that fertilize the Ovum CNN supports the murder of a 5-year-old boy in Wilson North Carolina. They didn't cover it at all because a black man shot a white kid point-blank in the head. CNN is sick. There's CNN version of stories and then there's the truth. The problem with most of you is you don't know the difference. Talk about getting too much sun again eh? did anyone hear about the two white kids attacked by the black kids in Sacramento Ca? The Cops didn't arrest the black kids and they didn't label it a hate crime. Again I bet there is more to the story that CNN left out on purpose like all stories.
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