What you seeing over and over is criminals breaking the law so stop breaking the law and this won’t happen. says the white lady who has never been black in a day of her white privilege life you have never walked a day in our shoes and u never will call need to stop saying that it applies to your white friends, not USNBA: We're going broke from going woke! Let's boycott ourselves to try to cover up our FK up and hope that people think we're being virtuous. Lebron will be a pivotal force in the re-election of Donald Trump, a low key Trump supporter stirring the pot like Van Jones. Manny Veyna of course I want my kids safe, choice of school. Who would want socialism? We want to keep our jobs.I'm amazed at how many people truly think that you have to commit a crime to be harassed by the police. Y'all don't get it because you don't want to and would rather blame the victim's colored? You know it's 2020 right?
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