Thứ Năm, 21 tháng 9, 2023

Rusty Butcher Halloween forever limited edition shirt

 They all feel like they are relevant; that they have discovered information that makes them feel smarter than, and superior to the "unquestioning sheep". They feel like they are an integral part of transforming America. They see themselves as the anti-hero, fighting the good fight against impossible odds. They will never change their belief, because without it they are just common ordinary people, no different than anyone else; a prospect their sense of self just won't accept. They have mental health issues that should have been addressed before so many of them became radicalized. This piece is, by far, one of the most ridiculous commentaries out there. First, I in no way condone the actions of those that decided it was a good idea to riot that day. 

 Buy it here: Rusty Butcher Halloween forever limited edition shirt
Rusty Butcher Halloween forever limited edition s Ladies t-shirt

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