Thứ Năm, 23 tháng 9, 2021

I think I’m suffering from Beer separation anxiety shirt

 Steven Gore-Smith the only people I personally know testing positive and been ill recently. One very seriously ill in hospital have been v@xxed . I am also aware of people known to people I personally know including 2 young men who have died suddenly & unexpectedly of a heart attack after being v@xxed . Had COVID early on, was bad for 3 weeks and yes it’s different for each person. Couldn’t even get through to a doctor or nhs helpline during that time. So recovered thankfully and got back to work. Had the first jab and bang 3 days off work with the same symptoms really knocked me about. 2nd jab ? No thanks. Your alright Boris, Maggie got rid of our coal , we heavily rely on cars due to our infrastructure (we aren’t all living in London, close to a mole station (sorry, tube station), you have been printing money like there is no tomorrow (as have USA) and seem to think that it is a magic money tree…and as for the trees, well you don’t give a toss about them in your own Country, and we import timber at a rate of knots too, so why should developing countries curtail their chopping (given that it’s what feeds them…)

Buy it here: I think I’m suffering from Beer separation anxiety shirt
I think I'm suffering from Beer separation anxiety s Sweater​​​​​​​

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