Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 6, 2022

Oil Stolen Capitalism Secured shirt

 Do we have Tony Blair to thank for suggesting this and hold him responsible if it fails. hmmmmmmm im so tempted an experimental toxic soup that will not stop you catching or spreading but lessen the symptoms of covid if it doesn't kill you or make you so ill youll need a doctor and we can expect 4 months protection , and its free you say sound like a good idea , could i have one shot in each eye ball. BBC you're supposed to be the best news provider in the world (you're not) so please don't you think you should stop using the word jab. It makes your reporting sound like something out of the Sunday Sport and could make someone who is borderline as to whether they have the vaccine decide not to because of the coarseness and implied pain from the use of the word. Think you'd be better to check covid death stats on the NHS website brfore putting your arm out for any jab.there stats are done correctly i dont know why the government and the BBC are doing with the statistics but they tell a very different story.

Buy it here: Oil Stolen Capitalism Secured shirt
Oil Stolen Capitalism Secured s Ladies t-shirt

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