Pretending and fantasizing (while listening to the cult leader's mouth diarrhea) will never make anything real or true. How sad for you. oh like April 7th according to Trump. Did you miss that it was almost 2 months ago Or did you.miss the fact this coronavirus Is in the same family as the cold virus which people get year-round guess she missed that the April 7th deadline trump gave for it being over from heat was almost 2 months ago it just got hot in Michigan and virus’s die-off in the heat although the vulnerable should try and avoid going out? The rest of us need to wear masks, use social distancing, and sanitize you are out if your mind if you think viruses are only seasonal. Tell that to ebola. Tell that to the cold virus Jane Mayer Pesonen Dream on sweety. This is a novel virus. We are still learning. Is 100, 000 dead in 3 months not concern you? Still a hoax to you sweetyJane Mayer Pesonen not all viruses are seasonal.
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