Those old folks have survivors as well who will grieve the premature passing of a loved one. Wearing a mask is no sacrifice. William Myers read the answer again. I was talking to the guy who thought people were damaging their health breathing in their own carbon dioxide. I agree Rump and his dim-witted cult followers are gross indeed. Hey, dimwit rate of mortality and the number of people with immunity have absolutely nothing to do with each other! Lady if u don't like it stay home! The rest of us will be out with no masks on. We have been for weeks. And are alive to talk about it on the Facebook lady. Deal with it because that's what's happening. The rest of us are just laughing at you. No one is dying, dead, or I'll in my community sorry to disappoint u, lady. I live in Newport Beach ca. Google it to find the carnage u seek! They don't.
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