Thứ Tư, 23 tháng 3, 2022

Sons of Trump Maga chapter 2024 shirt

 Afghanistan list was long they are all war vitims and seems West and Us don't care because it was their weapons doing the actions there. Christine Evans and I would rather try to educate myself instead of parroting whatever the telly says. But c'mon...what could one ever expect from Brits? Christine Evans Putin had no choice. He couldn't have the US funding biological weaponry on his doorstep, in non-Nato member states. Look up the Nunn-Lugar biological "agreement" foisted on the Ukraine by the US. This isn't as simple as an invasion. Christine Evans well said Christine let's see if this person will answer HUH! Ukasha UK. Z be brave first of all show your face. Secondly have the good manners and answer the question. if he wanted he could have bombed entire ukraine and finished in an hour. But he surely wanted to keep minimum collateral and replace with puppet. Indeed resistance is causing him to be bit strict.

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