Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 4, 2021

I’m not perfect but I’m a Linkin Park Fan and it’s almost the same thing shirt

  “Waldseemüller’s Globe Gores: Challenges and Observations” Marguerite Ragnow, curator, James Ford Bell Library Ragnow will trace the history of the Waldseemüller globe gores, how they might fit into existing Waldseemüller scholarship and what they might illuminate that the 1507 and 1516 depictions of North America might obscure. 2:30-3:00 p.m. “Watching a Renaissance Cartographer at Work: The Construction of Waldseemüller’s Carta Marina of 1516” Chet Van Duzer, research scholar, John Carter Brown Library Van Duzer will look at the Carta Marina of 1516 to shed light on how early 16th-century cartographers created their maps. He will look at Waldseemüller’s sources, both cartographic and textual.

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